About the Palace
Jaunmoku Palace
Jaunmoku Palace, where shapes of neo-Gothic style blend with Art Nouveau elements, has a special place among the masterpieces of Latvian architecture. The Palace was built in 1901 according to the design of the architect Wilhelm Bockslaff (1858-1912) as a hunting lodge for the Mayor of Riga George Armitstead (1847-1912).
Currently, Jaunmoku Palace offers its visitors educational activities and excursions in the Palace museum and park, a place to organise various events and celebrations, have a delicious meal in a restaurant, as well as an overnight stay in a hotel – everything for your most beautiful moments in one place!

Today the Palace is managed by SIA “Jaunmoku pils” which is a subsidiary of Joint Stock Company “Latvia’s State Forests” (LVM)

About the Palace
SIA "Jaunmoku pils"
SIA “Jaunmoku pils” manages a cultural and historical site – Jaunmoku Manor complex. The complex includes a park with an area of 9.8 ha and 6 buildings preserved from the previous constructions – a Palace or Manor House, a dairy or “Dairy House”, a stable, a barn, carpentry and a smithy. The buildings of Jaunmoku Palace manor with a park is included in the list of state significance architectural monuments with state protection No. 8548, while the painted tiled stove as a state significance art monument with state protection No. 4449.
SIA “Jaunmoku pils” operates in accordance with the interests of Latvia and society, the traditions of our people and in a close bond with the cultural and historical heritage. Taking into account the various interests of society, the company plans to manage the complex in a way that would ensure the greatest possible cultural and historical value for Jaunmoku Palace and free access to this value to the public.
About the Palace
Jaunmoku Palace Museum
There is a museum in Jaunmoku Palace, and the decision to establish the Forest Museum was made during the restoration of the Palace in 1974. In 2004, the museum received the first National Accreditation of Museums, but in 2021 it was awarded with it for the fourth time. The collection of the Museum is a historically based set of objects that reflects the traditions of forest management in Latvia, as well as the fate of the Jaunmoku Manor complex, environmental, cultural and historical events and people related to it. As of 1 January 2021, 3468 items are included in the collection of the Museum.

About the Palace
Customer service
In addition to the main activity – management of the cultural and historical complex and ensuring the operation of the museum – SIA “Jaunmoku pils” provides hospitality services, as well as offers premises for organising conferences, seminars, corporate and family celebrations, with a special emphasis on a versatile wedding celebration offer, providing accommodation and catering services.
About the Palace
Mission, vision and legend
The mission, vision and legend of SIA “Jaunmoku pils” is based on the long-term development concept and the goals set for the 2022-2026 strategy period.
To become a centre of cultural history and forest excellence
To be a place where one can find a deeper understanding and gain new knowledge about nature and culture.
A place to feel proud of Latvia’s history, nature and the forest industry.
A place to gain additional knowledge and support the belief in the importance of green development.
A place to enjoy relaxation with the added value of unique knowledge and excellent service!
We are a curious society that understands its cultural heritage and actively builds a rich future.
Those who are truly free and independent are people who both know their past and are interested in the present and actively shape their own (their
family, region, industry and country) future. Only free and independent
people form a strong region and a strong country.
On the other hand, a strong industry that can support the economy of an entire country consists of both a respect for its past and years of work culture and a deep understanding of current achievements and future opportunities.
Jaunmoku Palace complex will be a tourism destination of a Baltic scale; an important stop for exploring the cultural history of Latvia and experiencing Kurzeme.
The National Forest Centre will raise awareness of the
history, value and future of forestry. By giving this knowledge to the public, it will help everyone understand the nature of Latvia, engage future employees, and carry out purposeful research work for the future of the state and the forest sector.
Jaunmoku Palace complex is a historical monument that closely links nature and cultural heritage. History has created it, but for nature it serves as the home of the National Forest Centre. A place to talk about what is most important to us – the roots of our land and the legacy of the past. A place to nurture what is most important to us – the knowledge, mutual respect and work culture that shape our future every day.
Jaunmoku Palace was born for the forest – as a hunting Palace more than a century ago, as the home of a forestry exhibition today, and as an industry centre in the near future. It is a relationship with nature that cannot be invented or bought, only cultivated and gifted. The relationships we open to our guests and partners, our region and the country.
Jaunmoku Palace is, was and will always be the newest Palace in Latvia, because of its ongoing development. It is a new legacy in creation, new knowledge and new collaborations. With an extensive programme of events and themed restaurant, cosy hotel and residences, the Jaunmoku Palace complex is a place where spending time is equally enjoyable and valuable. It is worth travelling far to get closer: closer to the culture and history of our land, closer to our nature and its main asset – the forest, and perhaps – closer to ourselves and other like-minded and visionary people.
About the Palace
Organisational structure of SIA “Jaunmoku pils”
Limited Liability Company “Jaunmoku pils” is a subsidiary of JSC “Latvijas valsts meži (Latvia’s state forests)” (100%), established in February 2004. The main activity of the company is the management of the cultural and historical complex and the operation of the museum. The second direction of economic activity is customer service – hotel service, room rental services for seminars and celebrations.
Decisions of the meeting of the shareholders of SIA “Jaunmoku pils”
The information to be disclosed specified in the Law on Governance of Capital Shares of a Public Person and Capital Companies shall not be disclosed if the status of restricted access has been determined for it.
Ieva Sīpola
Current position: Member of the Board of SIA “Jaunmoku pils”.
Previous professional experience: Manager of the Splendid Palace cinema, before manager of Riga Congress Hall, previously worked in the advertising and marketing industry
Education: Riga International School of Economics and Business Administrations Master’s degree in Project Management, as well as Riga Technical University’s bachelor’s degree in electrical engineering.
Positions in other capital companies: No.
Term of office: Unspecified.
About the Palace
Environment and social responsibility
Jaunmoku Palace is aware of its role in ensuring responsible social and environmental policy throughout the Palace complex, so that the company’s activities ensure the interests of all stakeholders.

Jaunmoku Palace
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